miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2013

Barcelona City - Eixample District - 145 nations melting pot

The Eixample, melting pot of 145 nations.

One in five of residents belong to one of the world  continents in Eixample district.

Neighborhood preferred by USA , Oceania, Asia, Mideast and Central Africa world citizens.

The district gets the integration of cultures. 

Reason for stay: business workers, self-employed and entrepreneurs.

Good location, near of airport transfers, train,sea port ,city center, beaches and mountains.

Boulevards,charming buildings, variety of shops and restaurants, iconics monuments, 

art, design, fashion, forniture, a dynamic day and night life.

And above all, a quiet area, perfect place for living.

Further Information:

sábado, 25 de mayo de 2013

Reglamentación / Legislación : VISADOS - U.S.A - Embassy. Países exentos extensión de visado por tránsito aéreo o turismo -

Dado que las leyes migratorias estadounidenses son muy severas , cada pasajero debería de comprobar  previamente  y por cuenta propia, contactando con embajada u organismo consular norteamericano, incluido de forma telemática, del país del que sea nacionalizado,  cuál es el tipo de visado a cumplimentar y la forma (presencial o virtual)  de obtenerlo SIEMPRE ANTES de COMPRAR un VUELO a USA.

Como profesional volcado por entero al sector aéreo, he comprobado que pasajeros han adquirido vuelos sin tener noticia de que para, siquiera, hacer un tránsito en el  país, es necesario EXTENDER un VISADO de entrada como turista, tránsito aéreo, laboral, siempre por un espacio de tiempo MÁXIMO  NOVENTA DIAS.

Ante un caso así, el drama está servido, más aún cuando un ciudadano del mundo no pertenece al listado de países EXENTOS de visado, que aparecen en el link al cual, todos podéis acceder y consultar, de la Embajada USA en Madrid y que cada cual amplíe la información en la medida de sus intereses, imperativamente.

Es necesario que el pasajero que no sea comunitario europeo, consulte con la embajada o consulado de su país de origen.

Lo mismo para pasajeros comunitarios que residan en España: deberán dirigirse a la embajada de su país o a la embajada del país en España.

Esperar siempre al visto bueno de la embajada ante la entrada al país y luego adquirir el servicio aéreo o marítimo.

En cualquier caso,el pasajero incluido en la EXENCIÓN DE VISADO obliga a rellenar un cuestionario sobre el motivo del viaje.

La relación de países exentos de visado, es la siguiente:

Fuentes oficiales para gestionar documentación en caso de exención de visado pero de inclusión de documentación sobre el motivo del viaje:


Se ha de tener en cuenta de que la información vertida en este post , será actualizada a medida de que las leyes, como es usual, vayan evolucionando.

Contacto embajada USA en Madrid:

Sección Consular
C/ Serrano, 75
28006 Madrid

  • 807 488 472 si llama desde España.
  • (011) 49 9131 772 2087 si llama desde Estados Unidos.
  • Código internacional + 49 9131 772 2087 si llama desde cualquier otro país.

Felíz viaje!.

viernes, 17 de mayo de 2013

Jamaica - Driving from 8 Ríos, Montego Bay, Negril, Port Antonio and Portland. The five amazing jamaican beaches. Google maps route.

Jamaica was discovered to the world in 1494 by Christopher Columbus.

However, were as Arawak and Taino Indians, the first residents.
Currently, Jamaica is an independent state from Britain since August 6 1962 after 200 years of British conquest.

The island is composed primarily of mountainous terrain surrounded by a small strip of coast.

Cities are usually set in the coastal plain.

Climate in Jamaica is tropical, usually hot and humid, but in mountain areas may be somewhat cooler.

In spite of its location in the middle of the Caribbean Sea, suffers no hurricanes so frequently as neighboring islands.
This is due mainly to mountains, which divert cyclones.
Important: rainy season from June to November.

Best amazing beaches and sunsets  are located north of the island, from 8 Rivers to Portland

To get to the area, it is recommend that you fly to the international airport of Montego Bay.

From Montego Bay to Negril, driving to beautiful beaches, small coves, coral reefs, lagoons and the most beautiful sunsets on the island.

1- Doctor Cove Beach: Montego Bay, Northern Coast -enlarge the image

2- Frenchmans Cove: Port Antonio, Eastern Coast - enlarge the image

3- Reggae Beach: 8 Ríos - enlarge the image

4- Winnifred Beach: Portland - enlarge the image

5- Seven Miles: Negril - enlarge the image

martes, 14 de mayo de 2013

Richard Wagner Festival - May 16- 22, 2013 - Leizpig - Leizpig Opera.

Richard Wagner Festival 2013: 

Ceremony to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the birth of Richard Wagner

Wed. 22 May, 11 am - at the Leipzig Opera

Leipzig, the city of Wagner, will be celebrating the 200th anniversary of the composer's birth with a major ceremony. 
Wagner fans from all over the world and federal politicians alike are expected to be in attendance. 
At the same time, the ceremony will represent the building of a bridge between the two Wagnerian cities of Leipzig and Bayreuth, which have expressed their joint responsibility for Richard Wagner's works in the form of a collaboration leading to the performance of his three early works. 

The musical climax of the ceremony will be the performance of the "Ring ohne Worte" ("Ring without Words") by the Gewandhaus Orchestra, conducted by its musical director Ulf Schirmer.

And more interesting information about routes of composer in the aerea or another routes, please, You could follow the link.

--> Richard Wagner - Leipzig Opera, May 16-22, 200 th Birthday

domingo, 12 de mayo de 2013

**Florida Keys - The oversea highways**

The Overseas Highway that runs down the spine of the Florida Keys is a one-of-a-kind driving experience through some of the nation's most spectacular scenery. 

On this 113 mile journey from Key Largo in the Upper Keys, to lively Key West, the southernmost tip of the USA, you'll pass over an astonishing 42 bridges. This is convertible country. 

Flip back the top, slap on the sunscreen, crank up the tunes and let the scenery take over!

Link: Florida Keys overseas highway - driving between keys and the Caribbean